Installation and running Ubuntu Virtual Box

Oracle VM VirtualBox - a suite of applications, system services and drivers that emulate the new computer equipment in the environment of the operating system where you installed VirtualBox. On a virtual machine can be installed almost any operating system. For example, on a real computer with Windows, you can install a virtual machine with operating systems Linux and use both operating systems simultaneously. This operation we wish to make in this article.
Installing Oracle VM Virtualbox
Oracle VM VirtualBox we can download from the download page ( for every OS and version. We choose VirtualBox for Windows hosts.
Run program with double click (you might be sure, that you are under a user account with administrator privileges) and choose Next – Yes.
After installation is complete, you run the main program module user VirtualBox - Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager (Manager Oracle VM VirtualBox).
Create a virtual machine Oracle VM VirtualBox
- Start VirtualBox and activate a button New to create a new virtual machine.
- Enter the name and operating system (for example, Name: Ubuntu VM, Type: Linux, Version: Ubuntu).
- Choose memory size. 512MB is plenty.
- Create a virtual hard drive now.
- Next choose VDI.
- Choose the amount of storage space (about 8GB).
- Next – Done.
Installing Linux Ubuntu on a virtual machine Oracle VM VirtualBox
First we might download Ubuntu (
- Run VirtualBox.
- Click on new machine (Ubuntu VM in our case) and Start.
- Choose iso-file with Ubuntu that locate somewhere in your drive.
- Click on Continue to begin installing the new operating system (Ubuntu).
The process of installing the operating system is not different from the installation on a real machine. You can select the language for the installed system, time zone, keyboard, and so on. During the installation, you must specify the computer name, user name, password and login mode.
6. After completing you must restart the computer.
Congratulations! Enjoy the Ubuntu goodness!
Don’t forget that you can always download the fully functional virtual machine here
Don’t forget that you can always download the fully functional virtual machine here
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